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If you have planned to travel to Cartagena de Indias, surely you are interested in

knowing everything you can find in the magical city.

In this blog I will talk to you about a cultural part that many do not get to know: THE CHAMPETA: ¡Yes! this imposing musical genre that resounds in the streets and nightclubs of the city. Being Cartagena a coastal city, it has exchanged cultures, customs and musical rhythms.

Being Cartagena a coastal city, it has exchanged cultures, customs and musical

rhythms. According to history, the champeta comes from Africa and arrived in the

Colombian Caribbean through seaports, it was instructed by Afro-descendants and

palenqueros from San Basilio. His forerunner instrument of the electric guitar, It

started as "African champeta" between the 60s and 80s, then it became Criolla

Therapy and evolved as “Urban Champeta”. Currently its main Singers are Mr. Black,

Twister El Rey, Kevin Flórez, Young F and Koffee El Cafetero.

For many years, the Champeta was stigmatized because it was part of a lifestyle in

the most popular neighborhoods of the city. It was only heard in "pick-up" in high

decibels and in marginal neighborhoods. Over the years it was transformed and went

from the slums to the nightclubs in the center of Cartagena, as who says he broke

the barriers of status.

The champeta is so sticky that once you feel it, you don't hesitate to move at its

rhythm. Dancing it is not an easy task, you need a few hours of practice, coordination

and a lot of attitude, but just trying it will surely have a lot of fun.

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